

About Us

Balance, Restore & Rejevenate

Almaa Siddha Multyi Speciality Hospital in Chennai Saidapet provides the Epitome of Siddha Varma treatment for Various Health problems like Cervical Problems, Lumbar Problems, Knee joint pain, Stress, Sleeplessness, Varicose Veins etc., holistic Care never accessible to the common people of chennai & now through Almaa it is available for everyone reach.

  • Spine Care Therapies
  • Weight management
  • Rejuvenation Therapies


Years of Experience


Specialists Team

Company Since 2008
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Spine Care with Varmam & Thokkanam

Spine Problems like Cervical Spondylosis, Lumbar Spondylosis, sciatica and Ankylosing Spondylitis can be treated without surgery within 14 days through Siddha Varma treatments. Thokkanam & allied Siddha therapies can give tremendous results with pain, stiffness, numbness etc.,

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Weight Management Therapies

Siddha Offers a wide range of weight management therapies like Podi thimirdhal(Powder Massage, Thokkanam(Fat reduction Massage), Varma thadaval(Muscle Toning Massage), Peechu(Medicated enems) for a healthier weight loss journey. COmbines with Potent herbal combinations & nutritious diet by expert consultants.

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Revamp your health with Rejuvenation Therapies.

Rejuvenation Therapies to increase health & well-being numerous detoxification techniques will be individualised for the specific needs of the patients. Detoxing the major internal organs & refreshing the mind with shiodhara can charge up your health in a natural way.

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Pain Management Siddha Varma

Fight your pain with the goodness of Siddha Varma, herbal steam batch & potli fomentation. Knee pain, shoulder pain, Hip Pain etc., can be managed with traditional Siddha treatments. Pain management with exclusive herbal massage & special treatment protocol for each & every problem.

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